Here's today's tale:
(=> click picture to enlarge !)
Left: 4:21 am - Coming home from a party.
Cap: (SAH) BOYZ - #164 DeeTaleZ (Hint: Why do women always have to clean up, do the dishes, iron the clothes, do the vaccuming while men just throw their stuff behind the sofa?)
Tattoo: Wicked Tattoos - Player Tattoo (not free)
Outfit: January Snails Hunt #36 *^Missy ^* Shoe and Fashion Designs
Necklace: (SAH) BOYZ - #155 BalAni 2of3
Bandana: (SAH) BOYZ - #155 BalAni 3of3
Wrist Cuff: (SAH) BOYZ - #155 BalAni 1of3
Sneakers: Impossible - Puzzle Chuck (no longer free)
Right: 2:17 pm – Going out for breakfast in disguise.
Track Suit: BalAni's Active Wear (5 Colours, Midnight Mania Prize)
Shoulder Bag & Watch: (SAH) BOYZ - #155 BalAni 3of3
Shoes: (SAH) BOYZ - #152 Nushru
(=> click picture to enlarge !)
9:43 pm – At work!
Clothes, Tattoo & Accessories: Wicked Tattoos - Rockstar Outfit (not free but a great deal!)
Boots: HWH #30 - Bootylicious
Microphone: #67 [M4TS] Hunt Headset Mindshift Park
Sun Drenched Blooms
5 hours ago
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