
July 16, 2015

L&B S'Wear For The AESTHETIC Mesh Avatar

Like I mentioned in my last post, it was the cool clothes from L&B specially fitted to the AESTHETIC Mesh Avatar that finally made me decide to buy him.

This doesn't mean you can't wear any of your old mesh clothes with this mesh body: Shoes and many pants are no problem if you are prepared to change your shape, and even some jackets, sweaters and shirts might work although the Mesh Avatar's neck line does pose a problem for many of them.

Obviously, if you like your well-trained look and don't want to mess with your shape each time you wear something new, there's no way around buying clothes specially made for the AESTHETIC Mesh Avatar. You can find a nice selection at the new .::'N'Zone Monthly Event ::. (and even more on SL Marketplace). 

Check it out, all the newly released AESTHETIC Mesh Avatar clothes from L&B are available @ .::'N'Zone Monthly Event ::. and btw: They all come with a texture/colour-change HUD. Here's your taxi! 

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