
September 2, 2012

Twisted Hunt: The Murk Beast

(click to enlarge)
It's back, the infamous Twisted hunt! I'll be posting images of neat stuff from the hunt as I go. First up is a lovable denizen of the deep, an anglerfish meets shark? The Murk Best is a full mesh rigged avatar with 2 layer, one for skin, and extra for glow. Both male and female Murk Beast come in 6 colors: white, black, green, blue, red, and yellow. Hunt location has helper hints, and staff to assist hunters. Get all hunt locations on the main blog here:

Avatar: Kinzart Kreetures The Murk Beast, White [mesh] (Twisted Hunt Fall 2012 #69)(free)
Swimtrucks: Ritrovo ASO!HawaianPants(GG) [mesh] (group gift) (free)
Vest: Kim Yebut Personal Floating Device WORKING BETA (free)
Boat: Motor Loon Loonetta [mesh] (3500L)
Location: The Leviathan Skeleton
Thanks for your help Voodoo!

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