
August 3, 2012

Captain Combover

Arrrrg mateys, whare's me tricorn hat?

"To the mast nail our flag it is dark as the grave,
Or the death which it bears while it sweeps o'er the wave;
Let our deck clear for action, our guns be prepared;
Be the boarding-axe sharpened, the scimetar bared:"

Pirate's Own Song
Words by Letitia Elizabeth Landon, 1838

Skill-n-Bones, The Pirate Hunt 2 
has tons of great pirate clothes, rum barrels and a couple of very cool ships.
Check it out!

Complete avatar: Ruby Skins   PH2   
Tattoos: Ink Blots PH2
Pants:K2K United Enterprises PH2

Hints are on the hunt poster at the landings.

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