
April 2, 2012

Mix 'n Match Photo Contest - 2 more weeks to go!

Fashion + Freebies for Men (FFforM) is holding its first Photo Contest from March 15th till April 15th, 2012 with a  

=>      Grand Prize of 10,000 L$ in Cash sponsored by Gabriel      <=

going to the winner and two more cash prizes as well as numerous gift cards going to the runners-up. 

Who can participate? Everybody who is older than March 1st, 2012 and never blogged for FFforM. If you are a girl you can use your male alt or take a photograph of your boyfriend.

What do we expect from you? We want you to create a blog posting consisting of one picture (full body shot or containing at least one full body shot if you are showing multiple poses) and a style card. We have designed a notecard for you to fill out so that you won't overlook anything. Join our group “Fashion Freebies for Men“ (copy this link into SL public chat --> secondlife:///app/group/554e1976-3389-178e-9d9d-cbe15a49982b/about < -- and click it to join). Then download the notecard from group notices. It will also tell you where to send the completed form.

What should your blog posting be about? Show us your favourite male look! To make matters more challenging for you, every item you use for your look must be from a different designer. 

Where will your blog posting be published? We will upload all pictures/style cards to this Photo Gallery  (we put a clickable link to it in the sidebar). If you do not see your entry pop up there 5 days after sending it to us we recommend that you resend it because it may have gotten lost somehow. All entries qualifying for a prize will be posted on the blog as well. 

What else should you consider? Keep your picture PG = no nudity! You can wear any freebie or pay item you like but don't use copybotted items or we have to disqualify you. Also, it would be great if most of your items on the style card are still available for other readers to get. 

What size should the picture have? Whether you decide to take a simple photo or to use insert pictures to highlight details or to merge two images into one, your final picture should ideally be square size. Small deviations don't matter but the more rectangular it is the more distorted it will be when we upload it for publication to the Photo Gallery. Read here how to take square size pictures in SL if you don't want to resize your picture manually afterwards. 

Should you post-edit your picture? Putting some finishing touches to your picture is often useful. Since all texture details of your outfit should be nicely visible, a lack of brightness and/or sharpness can be corrected this way. Still, to get the best working material to start with make sure that your graphics settings in SL (check under edit, preferences) are set to High or Ultra before you take the picture! 

Thanks for participating in our contest and good luck! Here's an overview of the prizes awaiting the winners: 

1. Prize - 10,000 L$ in cash generously sponsored by Gabriel - Fashion & Accessories 

2. Prize -   1,500 L$ in cash sponsored by Fashion + Freebies for Men
3. Prize -   1,000 L$ in cash sponsored by Fashion + Freebies for Men

the remaining prizes value (about) 500 L$ each and will be randomly distributed among the places 4 - 22. The following designers were so kind to support us. You can visit their stores by clicking the links provided: 

:Wicked Tattoos: -  4 x a 500 L$ store card 

Kumaki Glasses Style - 2 x free choice of a pair of glasses from their store 

sf design - avatar clothing - 2 x a 500 L$ voucher 

Alli+Ali Designs - Hair for Men & Women - 2 x free choice of a hairstyle from their store 

.:EMO-tions:. - Hair & Clothing - 2 x a giftbox value 500 L$ 

Vero Modero - Fashion for Men & Women - 2 x free choice of an outfit set for the winner and his girlfriend from their store
And last, here's the inevitable Legal Mumbo Jumbo. 
Please read the following Disclaimer carefully!!

By participating in our photo contest (i.e. sending us the Notecard you downloaded from group notices) 
you declare ... 
- that your avatar has been created before March 1st 2012,
- that it is your only entry into this photo contest (Remember: All your alts are considered to be the same account!),
- that you took the attached picture yourself,
- that you own the copyright to it,
- that it was never published before and
- that you now transfer the copyright to Yves Firlan and Fashion + Freebies for Men (FFforM) to use the picture with your Style Card at their discretion.
You also declare that you accept that any decision by the jury is final and cannot be contested.
Since we are not in a position to totally supervise these obligations being fulfilled, we cannot take any liability for infringement.

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