
February 19, 2012

Look Of The Day 2012-02-19

I left on an interplanetary mission as a young man ...

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only to return aged and white haired after being abducted by aliens for what seemed like decades.

( => click picture to enlarge !)

I think I would have prefered the anal probe to them transplanting the hair from my ears and nose onto my chest though, lol, ...

( => click picture to enlarge !)

but they threatened to have me shredded if I continued complaining.

( => click picture to enlarge !)

Hair: Alli&Ali Designs - A&A Clint Hair Greyscale (# 2, 6 &11) (Make sure to wear the Alli&Ali group title to get 50% money back from all purchases from the Action Wall!!!)

Outfit (incl. Shades): sf design - flight suit men's (tomorrow's monday mania sales item)

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