
September 19, 2010

Sneak Preview of MHOH 4

Okay, here's a first glimpse at some outfits you can find during the new MHO Hunt starting tomorrow. They won't be out yet, so I hope you don't mind the "teasing", lol!

A reminder to all designers: If you want to make sure your MHO gift will be considered for blogging please send me a review copy as described in the side bar. Please, make sure you send me a folder and not single objects/notecards/etc. so nothing will be lost, and don't forget to mention your number in the hunt! Thanks!

( => click picture to enlarge !)

Skin: ::INka:: Gift Box - Victor

Far Left / Left: Dark Water Designs - MHOH4 # 146

Right / Far Right: BalAni - MHOH4 # 12

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