
September 19, 2010

UPDATED - Sneak Preview of MHOH 4 (part 4)

Okay, this is the last sneak preview I'll post today. Enjoy and have a good start into the new week!

( => click picture to enlarge !)

Piercing: MHOH4 # 86 - Curvy Silhouettes (includes a shape)

Jacket: MHOH4 # 23 - sf design  (corrected !!!)

Tattoo: MHO4 #80 - Schwarz  (includes a tee)

Briefs: MHOH4 # 26 - CONCRETE FLOWERS (includes 5 different designs)

Pants: MHOH # 161Peer  (includes a shirt)

Legwarmers: MHOH # 134 - *Connors*

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