
February 10, 2010

What Makes A Man Complete?

A few weeks ago my friend Anthony pointed out to me that in all of my almost 14 months of blogging I had never blogged the accessory that most new players miss the most when, after changing clothes for the first time, they find out they look like a Ken doll.

Okay, here goes. Due to the fact that this is a PG rated blog and that most find gratuitous violence more acceptable than a naked nipple, I'll just give you a web address. It is your choice what to do with it assuming you are of legal age, otherwise you shouldn't be reading this anyway: I definitely don't want you to get into gratuitous violence!

1 comment:

  1. LOL well your blog is called fashion freebies for men - not much fashion in that lill boy is it ;-)
    but sweet of you to link a page ;-)
    hugs so happy you got a date for V-Day ;)
    Still waiting for one myself ;-)
