December 5, 2010

Ronan the Killdarian

He was soaked to the skin, he was cold, he was tired, and the battle had left him with more cuts and bruises than he could count. Still, his roaring shout told everyone in the valley that he would never give up the fight!

( => click picture to enlarge !)

Skin: Exile - Group Gift - Mechanic skin (SOM Gift, different skin tones, check history, blogged before)

Cuts & Bruises: ::Wicked Tattoos:: - Scars (new MM Prize)

Tattoo: ..::CHTH::.. #51 TattooHada's

Necklace: [ #81 ] With Love From... WTG (10 L$)

Bracelet: Kosh - Zombie Popcorn Hunt 3 Prize (blogged before)

Kilt: :: Sil'ly Fantasy Skins :: &::Rune Magic:: Advent Box # 5  (only today, get it at once!!)

Boots: MHOH5 #79DUSTARRZ (blogged before)

Weapon: S&S Design - Bones death (old MM prize, get today's new one!)

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