
July 31, 2013

Candy Factory....mmmm sweets!

In my SL travels today, I came across a new event that will be starting on August the 1st and running until the 14th of August.
This will happen each month!
The event is called:

I have for you some freebies and dollarbies from the event!

First, the girls \o/
These panties are a dollarbie from Love Zombie at The Candy Factory. Comes on pants and underwear layers, and 7 days a week.
Shown here is Wednesday.
(Love Zombie - Day of the Week Panties )

The skirt is a Dollarbie from MinkA at The Candy Factory.
This skirt is Mesh, comes in 5 sizes, and includes an alpha layer.
(minkA - Ladie's Summer skirt with side pockets [Flores])

My top is a dollarbie on the Marketplace and is from Furore.
This is a Mesh top, comes in 5 sizes, and includes an alpha layer.
([Furore] Mesh Top Collection *Purple Points*)
These are limited quantity, so if you want one, you better grab it!

The skin is not from the Candy factory event, but is a free group gift from Shiva
The group is currently free to join, and there is also a free male skin, shown below.
Group Link:
(:::Shiva:::Group 5555 Gift)

Now on to the guys \o/
The shorts are the male gift from MinkA at The Candy Factory
These shorts are Mesh, comes in 5 sizes, and includes an alpha layer.
(minkA - Men's Summer shorts [DeathGlory] )

The skin and shape set are a free group gift from Shiva 
The group is currently free to join.
(:::Shiva:::Group5555-men Gift)

The shoes are the Subo gift from Infinity Insanity Moments.
These are Mesh shoes and come with an alpha layer.
([I][I][M] Workerboots *black* )

The eyes worn on both are the newest subo gift from Poetic colors.
These eyes come in a pack of 10, ranging from Large bright color, to small dark color. 
(pearl - clear pond - large bright )

American Muscle Cars

I was looking forward to finally race the local champ...

EVENT: Boats & Bikinis Expo + Luggage Hunt

(click to enlarge)
Today is the last day of another fun expo from Sand and Sea folks, the Boats and Bikinis Expo. This event has the theme French Riviera. Along the perimeter are shops with swimwear, decor, and furniture, and in the center are the docks. In the boats area, you can jump on and test drive a few models or explore. There is even staff there at JP Collection to answer your questions. Oceania has five free collectible plushies for the event, including a Jumbo shark! (Be sure to explore around to find them all.) Participating stores are:
Ampersand Photography, Aphrodite Shop, Beach Street, Beusy, Bliensen + MaiTai, Capricious, Chez Moi, Dead Dollz, Faboo, Fior Di Perle, Inspired, JP Collection Yachts, KittyCatS, LISP Bazaar, Little House of Curios, Luas Urban Style, :{MV}:, Oceania Breedables, Shey, Southern Seas Ships, Star Fashion, Tarnished, TUFF, Unrepentant
For more information, go to Sand, Sea, and Secondlife.

On Him:
Body: CheerNo Ken V.2_Maori Pale (Dressing Room Fusion) (edit for head/neck) [mesh] (70L)
Shoulder Towel: FATEwear Towel - Matt - London [mesh] (200L)
Swim Trunks: Flow Standard Surf-N-Short - Blue (Collabor88) [liquid mesh] (288L)
Hat: Flow Stretch Visor Beanie - Striped Blue (Collabor88)[mesh] (88L)
Hair: Sadistic Hacker *SH* Kirio1 Hair piece - white (free)

On Her:
Swimsuit: Dead Dollz [mesh] (Luggage Hunt)(free)
Necklace: Bliensen and MaiTai (Luggage Hunt)(free)
Hair: Wasabi Pills Veronica Mesh Hair - red [mesh] (250L)

(click to enlarge)
The Luggage Hunt:
To begin the luggage hunt, go to the City of Hanalei Office of Tourism. Touch this pile of luggage. Your challenge is to find all the missing luggage through out the sim. Read the local chat and follow the directions. Each person will have a different hunt path. The store you are looking for will be in all caps, like "TUFF." To help on hunt, there are sign posts with a handy teleports for all the store locations. There are many fantastic swimsuits for the ladies, while the guys can enjoy boat prizes and nice beach theme decore. Happy Hunting gang!  ... p.s. the store Capricious is not the sign board. You can find it next to the Aphrodite Shop.

On Him:
Swimtrunks: EPIC Big Kahuna Trunks with color texture hud (300L)
Model Boat: South Seas Ships Model - SSS Junk (Luggage Hunt)(free)
Plushie: Oceania JUMBO Chillin' Shark Collectible Plushie (Luggage Hunt)(free)
Sunglasses: Rozoregalia Aquila Sunglasses No.7 - red (400L)
Necklace: Rozoregalia Nornir necklace (500L)
Bracelet: Rozoregalia Nornir (400L)
Hair: Scars Glico - gray (no longer available)
Camera: Tee*fy Vintage Brownie Camera Shoulder Red (past, The Arcade)(no longer available)
Thanks for your help Fulli!

July 30, 2013


Showing you the sleeveless hoodie and pants which were released last: 

Dark Katz Hunt (July 1st-July 31st)

Tomorrow (July 31st) is the last day to grab some of the hunt items from the Dark Katz Hunt. As always there are a lot of female items but some stores offer both male and female options in their prizes.

The first is a pair of mesh jeans from *X*plosion. They are low rise to show off the abs and fit really well on a standard sized avatar.

Jeans:   *X*plosion - *X*Raw Men Mesh Jeans (JunkG) (Dark Katz Hunt - July 1 - July 31st)
Shoes:  Gabriel - ::GB:: Summer boots (Group Gift)

The above look mixes two different hunt prizes, three if you count the pose too. Also the shoes in both pictures are a group gift from Gabriel.

Shorts:   [Motivacation] - [M] Faded black Short (Dark Katz Hunt - July 1 - July 31st)
Jacket:   ToXiC HiGh - Male Jacket (Dark Katz Hunt - July 1 - July 31st)
Hat:       ToXiC HiGh - Black Cat (Dark Katz Hunt - July 1 - July 31st)
Shoes:   Gabriel - ::GB:: Summer boots (Group Gift)

Pose:    [SHUP BISH] - Kitty (Dark Katz Hunt - July 1 - July 31st)

Not free

Skin:    Egoisme - Johan (not free)
Hair:   /Wasabi Pills/ - Teeloh (not free)

Around The Grid in 80 Days and Amacci Huge Summer Hair Sale

Around The Grid in 80 Days Hunt just began and i will show you some of the prizes of this hunt mixed with Amacci hairs cuz i'm sure you all already know Amacci is having a Huge Summer Hair Sale

Hair : Amacci Hair Ethan Jet Black Huge Summer Hair Sale  (NOT FREE)
Outfit : !!Absolutely Smitten Around The Grid Hunt Men ( Around The Grid in 80 Days Hunt 1L$ Items)

Hair : Amacci Hair Rogan Jet Black Huge Summer Hair Sale  (NOT FREE)
Outfit : *Lurve* Kilted Desires - Men's Violet ( Around The Grid in 80 Days Hunt 1L$ Items)
Include two pants, boots, socks, scarf, arm bands and back tatoo

Hair : Amacci Hair Seth Jet Black Huge Summer Hair Sale  (NOT FREE)
Complete Outfit : AdelleArts ATG Hunt Male Prize( Around The Grid in 80 Days Hunt 1L$ Items)
Include the sneakers

Hair : Amacci Hair Sven Jet Black Huge Summer Hair Sale  (NOT FREE)
Complete Outfit : *BitsyB* Hade's Hunt Attire Around The Grid in 80 Days Hunt 1L$ Items)
Include open jacket option and shirt option.

July 29, 2013


REDGRAVE released the T-Shirt JIM bundle which gave me the chance to revisit some of my old favs to complete the outfit. 

New From Flow .

More beach wear from our Brazilian specialists. Enjoy! 

Summer time fun with the guys and gals!

So, keeping with my Summer theme I have been running with, I have found some really awesome free gifts for the guys and the gals!

This time around, I'll be featuring Group Gifts from Faboo!
The group is currently free to join, and there are several group gifts available for men and women.
The women's gifts usually come with appliers for breasts.
Faboo is a Summer themed store, focused on bikinis and Summer wear.

First up, the women!

The first group gift is a rainbow bikini.
This bikini features 5-string color bands, Lolas Tangos applier, a top cinch prim for lolas and for non lolas, and comes on several layers.
Next group gift is a blue hibiscus dress.
This dress is Mesh, and comes in 5 sizes with an alpha layer.

And now for the guys!

The first gift we have is a pair of Board shorts.
These board shorts are Mesh, come in 5 sizes and an alpha layer.
Last, but certainly not least we have...a speedo \o/
Or, small swim trunks if you prefer >.<
These swim trunks are Mesh, come in 5 sizes, and has 2 alpha layer sizes.

July 28, 2013

Singing It Out Loud

… there are new releases available from kal rau and [R3volt]. Enjoy! 


NEW RELEASE  from ..: SAAL Body Inc :.. and this is MENTOR  

Mentor is quite young, an incredible face, a great body, a small waist and an outstanding physique – all without spending a minute of cardio at the gym. 
He’s one of those guys who seem to have been blessed by the gods to look naturally good. 
Besides an aura that’s mysteriously attractive. Mentor has protuberant and warm eyes of startling bright blue. He is full of life and boisterous energy.

Skin : ..: SAAL Body Inc :.. MENTOR :: Skin Tan ~ ( 6 Skin-Tones available ) ( not free ) 
Shape : .::SAAL::. MENTOR SHAPE ( not free ) 
Shorts : Free Mens .ru Shorts ~ Mesh ( free )

July 27, 2013

The Men's Dept: July Round (part 5) - and more

This round of The Men's Dept will be ending soon so better make sure you got all you want! 

Vero Modero July Hunt and Ultrashape

Today i was trying the gifts for guy of the July Hunt of Vero Modero, and i mixed with the group gift of Ultrashape, hope you like them.

Left : *Ultra Shape* Alfred Shape Group Gift (Special Gift last weekend)
Right : *Ultra Shape* Gift For Male 04 Group Gift
Swimsuit : [VM] Vero Modero Burak Mesh Swim Suit (Vero Modero July Hunt 10L$ Item)
Hair : Discord Designs Hair Fair 2013 5 Years of Braids - Roni (1L$ Item)

Outfit : [VM] Vero Modero Tolga Mesh Set Yellow Mesh (Vero Modero July Hunt 10L$ Item)
Left :  *Ultra Shape* Skin Tint01- Light Group Gift 
Right : *Ultra Shape* Skin Tint01- Dark
(Skin Tint Pack come with 3 tatoo layers on of the modify so you can edit and add the color you want to your normal skin)

Battle of Sexes Hunt

Hunts in SL are allways a good option to use that spare time and relax after work, i'm so picky with the prizes but here i show you some of the prizes of Battle of Sexes Hunt Him Path, enjoy the hunt.

Outfit : [VM] Vero Modero (Battle of the sexes hunt, 1L$)
Boots : *Mary Jane Shoes* Group Gift 

Boxers : Leh's Treasures with 4 textures changeable by hud (Battle of the sexes hunt, 1L$)

Outfit : Toxic High Male Hunt Gift (Battle of the sexes hunt, 1L$)
Sneakers :  .::Energie::. Furio Energy Group Gift

Outfit : Shadow Moon : Tribal Dragon Green (Battle of the sexes hunt, 1L$)
 Sneakers : To Be Unique Group Gift 2 (Bloged before here)

Complete Outifit : Tori's Stylez Kane Pinistriped Outfit-Red (Battle of the sexes hunt, 1L$)

NEW from Bubble's Designs

NEW Clothes from Bubble's Designs 
**-Bubble's Designs-** Fashion Vanguard, Gown, Urban...complete outfits male and female 

....In the Theater....
Outfit : Bubble's Designs-Tonny Rey ( not free ) 
Face-Mask : 7. Makeup & Tattoo Hunt: Lovely Disarray - Cursed Visions of Voodoo ( free ) 
HINT : R.I.P. behind the shadow of Nightwing. ( Hunt-Ending = July 31st ) 

....Good Old Times at the Beach....
Vintage Swimsuit : Bubble's Designs-vintage swimsuit male ( not free )

** NEW from HEART HOMES for Aphrodite Shop **

<HEART HOMES> presents : New Summer & Spring Sauna & Shower sets ! 

The barrel sauna & shower set are fantastic. Super sauna experience, but also offer a great outdoor experience. 
This sauna rezzes beautiful scenes, like aromatherapy, hidratating, reading & more ) and gives all needed props for the animations. 
So after a long day of work there is nothing better than a nice sauna, you can relax and enjoy. Have many amazing moments ! 

PG and ADULT Version available ! * both are nice ;) *  

Details : 
LI / Prims 
Shower : 20 LI  /  Sauna : 35 LI 

Optional Deco included as gift on both versions :  
Hanged Bathrobe: 5 LI  
Reading Salt Candle : 1 LI  
Aphrodite bath basket : 12 LI  
Aphrodite spa animated basket : 23 LI  
Aphrodite Folded Bath Robe : 2 LI  
Soft Salt Candles on/off : 2 LI  
Aphrodite towels "lavender" stack : 4 LI 

Shower : Total of 59 Highest quality Animations ! Adjustable Poses !  
Animations PG Shower = 7 Solo, 2 Couple Shower, 8 Couple Kisses  
Animations ADULT Shower = all from PG Version and 16 Couple ** HOT Animations / Scenes ;) ** 

Sauna : Total of 76 Highest quality Animations ! Adjustable Poses !   
Animations PG Sauna = 8 Single Sweat, 4 Single Activity, 6 Couple Sauna, 31 Couple Cuddles  
Animations ADULT Sauna =  all from PG Version and 27 Couple ** HOT Animations / Scenes ;) **

Spring & Summer Barrel Sauna and Shower ( PG, Boxed, Copy ) ~ ( not free ) 
In-World-Store or Marketplace Website

CandyMetal - summer group gifts

I'm here again with some fashionable freebies for you all!
This time, the girl's looks will come from a store called 

The group is currently free to join and right now there are 2 free, full outfits to grab up!

The fist one is called WB Pat.
This sexy red dress is Mesh and comes in 5 standard sizes, with an alpha layer. 
Included in this Group Gift is also peep toe shoes with color change HUD, a Mesh clutch, and a necklace.

I'm also wearing the new Group Gift from Hush Skins called Summer- Sea blue.
The Group is free to join and in this skin pack you get 6 different tones, 3 brow shades, 2 cleavages, modify shape, and a pair of eyes. 
There is a group gift out every month and you always get lots of options with them!
The 2nd CandyMetal group Gift is called I like Summer.
This adorable bathing suit is Mesh and comes in 5 standard sizes, with an alpha layer.
Included in this Group Gift are 2 pearl necklaces, one white and one blue, a skin in sun-kissed tone, an applier for lolas, for the swimsuit, and a pair of summer wedges with color change HUD.
And don't think I forgot about the guys!
For the men today I bring you  awesome free casual looks, and even...underwear :O!

This great outfit comes to us from Infinity insanity and is from the Easter hunt 2013.
This gift comes with a button up shirt, a  jacket, shoes, 2 pairs of pants, and a pair of boxers!
All items are mesh come in standard sizing and with an alpha layer. 
The boxers are on pants and underwear layers only.
You can buy these at the counter right at the front of the store for 0L!
There are also 2 pairs of shoes available through the subo, one female pair, and one male pair.

July 24, 2013


Showing you the new Liquid Mesh clothes REDGRAVE released a short while ago.

Good News for Role Players: WLRP & FATEplay

(click to enlarge)
STORYLINE: When his father, the King, was killed in battle against the Saxon raiders, the young Prince took up his father's Sundisk banner and charged into the fight. He had no weapons or armor. He was a spoiled noble, not a trained fighter. He wished to be killed quickly. Funny how things don't go according to plan.

We <3 Role Play current round ends July 31st. Many terrific new mesh items on sale.
Boys of Summer ends July 31st. Exclusive items.

On Him, Captured Prince:
Top, Pants, Boots: Kahli Designs Royal Raiment - Black/Silver [mesh] (WLRP)(249L) 50% off
Eyes: Rue Eyes/Grimalkin: Green Gold  [mesh] (WLRP)(75L) 50% off 
Hair: LALA Moon Side Winder - Black Sepia (free, Lucky board)

Throne, props: Tia Odin Throne [mesh] (WLRP)(720L adult / 420L pg) 25% off 
Lighting: Rustica Gilded/Wood Candle Chandelier set [mesh] (WLRP)(399L) Sale
Sundisk banner: GSpot Sun on a stick Bronze green [mesh] (WLRP)(350L) Sale
Ferns: Envisage:Limitless Ferns Red-Tip [mesh] (WLRP) (free)

On Him, Saxon Raider Maximilian:
Armor: The Forge Daerwen male [mesh] (WLRP) (245L) 30% off
Boots: The Forge Daerwen Boots male [mesh] (WLRP)(245L) 30% off
Face tattoo: Tricky Button Lost a Knife Fight (WLRP) (25L) 50% off
Top: A:S:S Showoff crop shirt - red [mesh] (Boys of Summer) (60L) Sale

(click to enlarge)
FATEplay is a new division of  FATEwear with male and female role play inspired clothing. Current offerings are outfits first seen in 3 colors at Fantasy Faire that include materials. Now these cool outfits are back and expanded to 8 colors. I look forward to seeing what comes next. 

On Him, Gandalf the Blue:
Outfit, cloak, hat: FATEwear Ithron (edit for tint) [mesh] (500L)
Pipe: Adjunct Churchwarden Style Pipe - Leprechaun [mesh] (100L)

Battle of Sexes 2

Battle of Sexes hunt until Agust. 21th., Hints  (Him)
Pants  - Shadow Moon - Him # 40  (L$ 1)
Hoodie - Mesh Moster - Him # 28 (L$ 1)
Fedora - Mesh Glam - Him # 31 (L$ 1) 


Enjoying an ice cream after shopping @ the Summer Break Festival (SBF) which is still running until August 4th. 

July 23, 2013

New From SF Design

SF Design just released three cool relax denim shorts which dress you just as well at the beach as in the city shopping.

The shorts are available in 3 colours and come with a HUD to change the colour of the belt (5 colours) and the boxer shorts' waistband (5 colours). The waistband can also be made invisible (see left insert picture). I'm also wearing the new sunglasses SF Design just released which offer 9 frame and 6 lens colours. 

Casual Mesh Day

Today i just had a casual day, so i looked for a good offerts in mesh, this is what i found, and like you already know i love grey *winks*

Pants : Apple May Designs (AMD) - Worn Denim Jeans (for him) - Light (25L$ offer still available, posted before by Yves)
T-shirt : * Guarded Cross * Trainspotting T- Shirt (come with a hud with 5 textures)

Rock stars and camping

Today I bring you freebies for the rock star in you! 
And for the guys, an awesome free outfit!

First up is the female look!

The shirt is a free hunt gift from MV for the Fist pump with the best hunt 3.
This shirt is Mesh, comes in 5 sizes, with an alpha layer.

The pants are a group gift from A.M.K.R.
These pants are pants layer only, and come with prim cuffs. 
Also in this gift is another pair, black and white zebra print. 
The group is free to join.

The jewelry set is a group gift from Maxi Gossamer (MG).
The set includes earrings, necklace, and is color change with 14 colors to choose from. 
The group is free to join.

The sneakers are a group gift from XIAJ.
These sneakers are Mesh, and come in male and female sizes.
The group is free to join.

The guitar is a hunt gift from Seven Exits for the Plugged in hunt.
It is a Mesh guitar and comes in 2 versions, the one that is shown, and one with the store logo on it.
This will cost you 1L$.

The skin I am wearing is the hunt gift from DBF for the Lolas tango fever hunt.
This hunt gift comes in 1 tone with 3 cleavage options and includes tangos appliers for all 3 skins.
This will cost you 1L$.

Hair is by LCKY and is an in store, wearable color demo.
 It is Mesh, comes in one size and includes a color change HUD.
The store is currently not available, but has a temporary building where they have the Femboy hunt prize.
Link to Temporary building

Now for the guy look!

The outfit is the 2 current group gifts from Be unique.
The first group gift is the shirt and sunglasses.
The shirt is Mesh and comes in 5 standard male sizes and includes 2 alpha layers.
The glasses come in several options including Worn on head, on face, in mouth, and hanging.

The second gift is the shorts and the shoes, they are both mesh.
The shorts come in 4 standard male sizes.
The shoes are re-sizable on touch.
The group is free to join.